The Hill: Trump vowed to “drain the swamp,” here’s how

My November 18th piece in The Hill was written while I was attending the 20th anniversary meeting of the Association of Inspectors General in Boston. This piece, in the hopes that the Trump transition team reads The Hill, gives suggestions on how supporting the...

Protesters: It’s called a permit

My November 10, 2016 column in The Hill addresses the post-election protests that have popped up across the nation, and why local law enforcement is not enforcing the requirement for demonstrations to have permits equally. Has “looking the other way” on...

Background Checks: The Achilles Heel of Immigration Reform

My latest piece in The Hill raises extremely important questions on a key issue in the Presidential Race.  The issue is Immigration and whether you’re on the left, right or centrist sides of the aisle, you’ve likely heard a lot about background checks....