Following Pittsburgh, What is the Future of Religious Security?

Not even a week after the tragic Pittsburgh synagogue shooting that claimed 11 lives, the faith-based community and other gathering places have found themselves left with an almost unfathomable, but inevitably relevant question: “what if a shooting happens here next?”...

Mannes to partner with SERAPH to help secure America’s Schools

From the one-room, Amish schoolhouse in West Nickel Mines, PA to Sandy Hook, CT and Parkland, FL; Americans are being issued constant reminders of the vital need to secure its schools. As someone who is Board Certified in Security Management and a registered expert...

How ’60 Minutes’ got it wrong about Chicago

This piece in The Hill looks at last Sunday’s “60 Minutes” segment entitled “Crisis in Chicago” and discuses how their analysis fails to truly explore the cause and effect of a violent crime epidemic in Chicago that left 764 people dead...