My latest professional article in LinkedIn details some basic components needed to create a comprehensive security program within a professional organization. It’s intended to prevent the compartmentalization and failure to designate appropriate security leaders...
On August 18, 2017; A. Benjamin Mannes appeared on an in-depth report about the Charlottesville Protests on the One America News Network. Mannes was asked to comment because of his experience as a special event security consultant and member of the DC Metropolitan...
My June 4, 2017 piece in The Hill should serve as a private sector “wake-up call” for public venue security in light of recent, fatal criminal and terrorist incidents; many of which could have been prevented or mitigated with better security planning. To...
My latest column in The Hill breaks down a common misconception regarding the law enforcement and intelligence communities, and conveys the urgency for citizens to be more responsible for their own safety and security. Please click here to read the article and feel...
My Sunday, February 12, 2017 piece in The Hill discusses the discrepancies in state laws that classify a peace officer in one state, but that same position is just a guard in another state; and how this failure to standardize roles is putting police and corrections...