Mannes to Moderate Expert Forum on Violent Extremism

On the morning of Friday, October 14, A. Benjamin Mannes, an elected Governor on the executive board of Philadelphia InfraGard (the FBI-coordinated public/private partnership) and Regular Contributor to The Hill will be moderating the Forum on Violent Extremism at the...

The Hill: Due Process includes law enforcement officers

This column in The Hill focuses on public demand in our current, corrosive political climate for the premature release of evidence or legal action before the completion of an investigation.  The piece examines the constitutional right to due process, which is vital to...

Lessons from Charlotte: When a protest is just a riot

This week, an non-permitted demonstration in Downtown Charlotte escalated into a mass of property damage and the murder of a protester by another protester in the crowd. The media reported this by labeling it as a “Violent Protest”.  Similar labels were attached to...